Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Program Description

The curriculum for the degree in Criminal Justice is designed with a common core as the first year of the course work providing interdisciplinary education critical for law enforcement students.

The curriculum is designed to incorporate industry standard certificates and maximize transfer options for students into bachelor’s degree programs. 学生可以选择在第四学期参加俄亥俄州和平军官培训学院. 这只是一个选择,不是必须的,但大多数学生在这个学位轨道选择参加.


十大网赌网站大全提供刑事司法副学士学位, 允许学生选择惩教或执法的方向. Students in law enforcement will have the option of taking the Ohio Peace Officer Basic Academy (POB) during their last semester at Hocking College, which will allow them to graduate with both an associate degree in criminal justice and their Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy (OPOTA) certification*.

*Dependent on passing state test

Hocking College offers all-inclusive pricing and works with students to assure they have complete college funding, including financial aid, before they start classes. 有关课程费用,请参阅课程表.

All-inclusive pricing includes the following:


$300......Learning Fee

$20........Health Center Services

$75........Career Center Services

Not included in the All-Inclusive pricing


Pricing for housing and meal plans can be found here.

A Career in Criminal Justice Offers 
Many Opportunities— Case Closed

Students who come to Hocking College for this program benefit from the variety of possibilities for their future career.

Hocking College Graduates with this degree have found positions as Corrections Officers; Court Administrators; Criminal Investigators; Park Rangers; Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement; Halfway House Counselors and Managers; US Postal Inspectors; Public and Private Security; Parole Officers; Wardens; Probation Officers; and Internal Revenue Service Workers.

 View the occupational profile


Experience the flexibility of online coursework paired with the affordability of a 2-year community college. 

Contact Admissions to learn more.


Hocking College is excited to announce a new partnership with the University of Cincinnati’s Criminal Justice program, 它不仅在全国排名,而且在俄亥俄州排名第一.

This partnership allows students in the criminal justice program to complete their Associate’s degree during their first 2 years at Hocking College, 然后在接下来的两年里继续去辛辛那提大学获得学士学位. 选择这条路线的学生将能够节省时间和金钱.

因为加州大学提供在线刑事司法学士学位课程, students are able to earn their degree remotely. This offers more flexibility for those students who wish to enter the workforce upon graduation from Hocking College, 同时继续获得学士学位.

Click here to learn more.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) are statements of what a student will be able to do when they have completed a program. They represent the knowledge and skills a program has determined are most important for students to gain from that program and include both the Success Skills (institutional outcomes) and Program Outcomes. SLOs are specific and measurable so the program can accurately assess the degree to which students have achieved each outcome, 他们与大学和机构的使命和价值观一致. Data on the achievement of SLOs is used to make improvements in the program and increase student success. 


1) Demonstrate sound critical thinking, information literacy and technological competency in the production of academic writing and presentations

2) Apply the methods of mathematical, 统计或分析推理,批判性地评估数据, 解决问题并有效沟通发现.

3) Demonstrate an awareness of the social, 塑造个人的政治和经济力量, 现代社会的机构和社区.

4)Understand social justice and the diversities and complexities of the cultural and social world past and present and come to an informed sense of self and others.


6) Cultivate ethical values, 个人健康和个人学习策略在整个人的发展, mind, body and spirit.

7) Integrate content material to application in the workforce and apply discipline specific knowledge and skills to successfully transfer or effectively meet the expectations of internships, workplace, volunteerism and/or entrepreneurship endeavors.

8) Utilize the ethical and professional application of current information technology and tools effectively.

Program Outcomes

The following outcomes are skills, behaviors, and attitudes cultivated in students seeking the Associate of Applied Science in Criminal Justice with a major in Law Enforcement.

  • Describe the responsibilities and administrative competencies of each component of the criminal justice system.
  • Describe the U.S. 所有公民的宪法权利适用于刑事司法制度.
  • 学生将能够识别用于解释犯罪行为的三种主要方法.
  • 学生将能够展示使用俄亥俄州修订代码作为专业资源的能力.
  • Students will be able to write complete, factual, 准确和简明的报告,将有助于其他专业人士作出明智的决定.
  • 学生将能够熟练掌握犯罪现场调查.
  • Students will be able to characterize the importance of public relations as it relates to law enforcement.
  • 学生将认识到身体健康和健康在执法中的重要性. 

Download 2017-2018 Data

Retention Rates


  • 所有已注册的秋季/秋季学生,并具有下一个秋季/秋季的注册状态.
  • 不包括特殊人群-大学学分加, Non Degree, Online Military and University Center.
  • Potential 即将到来的秋季不包括秋季、春季和夏季学期的毕业生.
Academic Year Retention Rate
2017 61%
2018 39%


Graduation Rates 

毕业率由机构研究办公室决定. To ensure appropriate time for data collection, 该报告将在上一学年每年9月的最后一周运行并发布. 值得注意的是,随着学生继续毕业,每年的毕业率可能会发生变化. 毕业率的计算将采用以下标准:

  • 总体课程完成率定义为以下比例的百分比: 

    All graduates of the program

  • 为了报告的目的,课程完成率按入学学年汇总.
  • A student is considered to have completed or graduated from a program or certificate by virtue of having been awarded the degree or certificate.
  • A student is considered to be undertaking activity in a program of study for the duration of time that they are in an active status in a program or certificate. This is defined by having a Program of Study with a status of ‘A’ during the duration of time they are taking coursework.  Should a student move in and out of active status in a program of study while continuing to take coursework, we only take into account the student’s activity while the program has an active status for that particular program of study.
Academic Year Graduation Rate
2017 22%


**New academic programs and curriculums being re-designed based on industry needs will have outcome data available after one complete graduation cycle.


Students will have the opportunity to become certified in Mental Health First Aid and students that take the Peace Officer Basic Academy in their 4th semester will be eligible to sit for the Ohio Peace Officer Certification exam.

In my last semester, 如果我不想成为一名警察,我必须去俄亥俄州警官基础学院学习吗?

No, you will have the option to either take the academy in your last semester here or you can take the 6 courses listed on your curriculum.


在刑事司法课程中,你不需要穿制服.  However, 如果你决定参加警官基础学院的话, 在学校里,你必须穿制服.


十大网赌网站大全和俄亥俄大学有衔接协议, Franklin University, and the University of Cincinnati.  These schools will accept all of your credits that you take here and you will start as a Junior at their school.  所有其他学院都将根据具体情况接受学分.

For more information visit our transfer page.


所有进入刑事司法项目的新生都必须通过10项药物筛选.  为了进入警官基础学院, 学生必须首先通过体能测试, background check, physical, and drug screen.

你对执法、行政保护或私人保安方面的职业感兴趣吗? Military veteran transitioning to civilian life? 希望把你目前的经验提升到一个新的水平?

Hocking College is proud to announce a new partnership with 88 Tactical 旨在为那些希望获得副学士学位的人提供一条途径. The 30-day Tactical Operations Academy is worth 12 credit hours toward Hocking College’s Associate of Individual Studies Degree in Enhanced Police Science.

For more information, visit or contact:

Lea Wandling,公共安全服务副主任 or 740-753-7188

Kurt Sorys, Training Manager or 402-933-1717 ext. 102

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